Barnet | London | % | Status | |
New Appeals | 37 | 909 | 4 | Normal |
Won | Out of | % | ||
Cases heard | 19 | 33 | 58 | Slightly high |
There were four cases to tell you about:
1 A bus lane PCN cannot be transferred to the vehicle hirer by the bus company unless the agreement is for 6 months or more, thus effectively making them the keeper. That is a rather unfair piece of legislation that should be changed.
2 A motorist in need of an annual permit was not told (by the Capita call centre at coventry who handle calls for the council) about the dispensation system.
3 An adjudicator was concerned about the astounding submission by the council that a motorist should consult the internet for match days before they leave home. That is what parking signs are meant to inform us of.
Those three cases all had their PCN cancelled.
This one didn't:
4 The traffic warden noted that the motorist came out of a cafe, mug in hand and was abusive. He didn't say he was delivering glass as the vehicle owner claimed. To note from this is the fact that traffic wardens make notes, that you should read the Evidence Pack clearly before the case and put in further evidence of your own after receiving the evidence and that you should be careful what you say (and not be abusive).
Keep on filing those Appeals.
Your appealingly
Miss Feezance