Wednesday, 12 May 2021

London Tribunals - April 21


In April 2021 adjudicators at London Tribunals decided on the fate of 43 PCNs. They cancelled 14, a mere 32%, which is below the usual rate and perhaps reflective of the fact that moving traffic PCNs are much harder to beat than ones for parking.

Four decisions stood out:

Adjudicator asks council to be kind, cancellation beyond his powers (2210138912)

Blue badge stolen (2210107511)

Breakdown evidence of doubtful provenance (2210105312)

Crash or PCN? (2210128646)

Sunday, 2 May 2021

London Tribunals - March 2021


Due to Covid the number of PCNs being decided at the independent adjudicators remains depressed. In addition, probably thanks to there being more moving traffic cameras around the borough of Barnet the success rate of motorists has diminished as the cctv evidence is usually conclusive.

In March there were 72 PCNs in front of adjudicators and only 23, a mere 32%, were cancelled. 

Two cases were a little out of the ordinary and both concerned the health of individuals about which it appears that Barnet Council doesn't care about at all, with revenue raising being more important.

In labour in a yellow box (2210051508)

The law does not allow the adjudicator to cancel on grounds of mitigation and so his hands were tied.

Covid - the council don't care (221006361A)

Other cases of note

Inadequate signage (2210090940)

The image at the top of the blog post illustrates how you would easily miss the single sign.

Footway parking (2210055043)

The trouble with a traffic warden giving you verbal permission is twofold; 1. it isn't written down and 2. a different traffic warden gives you the PCN.

Best to stay off the footway unless there are marked bays or signs which permit it.