Monday, 7 April 2014

PATAS - w/c 31 Mar 14 - mostly routine

Last week at PATAS there were 103 cases of which 64, that is 61%, were won by the motorist. There were an incredible 31 witness statements to the TEC that merely slowed down the inevitable.

There were the usual cases where the motorist was accused of preventing service of a PCN but saying you won't take it and driving off is not prevention for which some physical force is required.

Here is how nurses in the community are treated by NSL / Barnet Council.

I have accepted the appellant's evidence about taking in to the patient an oxygen tank together with respiratory inhalers. The oxygen tank in particular seems to me to attract the benefit of the unloading exemption. I am satisfied that she did not take an unreasonable time in connection with this unloading and I have accordingly allowed the appeal.

Why can't the council use common-sense and accept that nurses have a hard enough job and that they should cancel parking tickets in such situations?

The Saracens Event Day zone saw a number of cancellations. The problem in the Traffic Management Order is now going to be fixed by the council.

More presumed guilty behaviour by Notice Processing Officers which lead to appeals to PATAS that invariably result in a cancelled PCN.

I have accepted the appellant explanation that he was simply visiting another clergyman and the stop was no longer than was necessary for the collection and loading of bags required in connection with funerary rites to be performed. I am satisfied the case properly attracts the benefit of the loading exemption that was available at the time and place concerned at the time and place concerned. I have recorded this appeal as allowed.

Can't NSL / Barnet Council accept that a clergyman is likely to tell the truth?
Some signage was hidden by foliage so the PCN was cancelled.

Finally, Barnet Council (NSL) are fond of insisting that if you have a garage bill for repair work or for being recovered that it must have a VAT number on it to be acceptable. That is unreasonable as the VAT registration limit is now £79,000 p.a. and so it is quite possible for a one man band garage, or mobile mechanic, to operate a business without being registered for VAT. So, if they reject your invoice as proof, carry on with your Appeal to PATAS.

Yours appealingly

Miss Feezance 

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