Thursday, 6 June 2013

PATAS week of 20 May - 59% of PCNs cancelled

Another good week for the motorists who persevered through all 3 appeal stages. The best chance of winning comes at the end because the independent adjudicator at PATAS is not after your money. 37 parking tickets were cancelled and 26 were upheld.

I will tell you this week the entire 37 reasons that parking tickets were cancelled.

1. Barnet council threw in the towel rather than fight. So why did they fight the first 2 stages?
2. Pay-by-phone error ascribed to verrus.
3. Evidence too vague and uncertain. (Photos were black).
4. Unloading heavy shopping.
5. Verrus system was going haywire.
6. No cctv proof of bus lane offence.
7. Towel thrown in.
8. CEO took PCN back and said it was cancelled. Liar!
9. Towel thrown in.
10. Inadequate proof of signage.
11. Assertions in case summary unsupported by substantive evidence.
12. PCN not handed to driver as alleged.
13. Poor photos, case not otherwise proven.
14. Towel thrown in (Barnet Council have a lot of towels!)
15. Correspondence file of the evidence produced by the council is in a mess with papers relating to other penalties...
16. Confusion between bays and single yellow line.
17. Pay-by-phone system not accepting money.
18. No proof of restrictions in place.
19. Towel thrown in.
20. ditto
21. Helping old lady who fell over.
22. Poor photos of lowered footway.
23. Motorist had phoned the speaking clock to check the time before parking.
24. Scaffold obscured the sign. Motorist used Pepipoo website for advice.
25. Vehicle was accepted as being "goods carrying". Motorist was pregnant and fetching a case of water so needed to be near the location.
26. PCN not handed to driver as alleged.
27. Case summary full of errors.
28. Towel thrown in.
29. Sign was for a different bay. (cheating or accident?)
30. Dropped kerb has no purpose.
31. Towel thrown in.
32. Black photos. Purported "evidence" from google streetview not acceptable.
33. Towel thrown in.
34. PCN both affixed to windscreen and handed to driver!
35. Traffic Management Order supplied did not mention the zone concerned.
36. PCN was blank!
37. Unloading exemption.

Hopefully the above will give you some ideas about grounds of appeal.

Keep those appeals coming. Don't be at all put off by the council rejecting your arguments; they simply want your money.

Yours appealingly

Miss Feezance.

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