Tuesday, 10 March 2020

London Tribunals - April 2018

April 18 was a while back but there are lessons to be learnt from previous cases as the same old arguments can occur again and again. In April 18 there were 279 tribunal decisions of which 158, that is 56%, went the way of the motorist, so your chances of winning are better than 50/50 so why pay at a 50% discount as in the long run you will save money if you fight every PCN.

There were four decisions worth telling you about.

Setting down and loading are different exemptions (2180122330)

Whilst 2 minutes would be the maximum allowed for setting down a young able passenger you are allowed longer for the elderly and the young, persons not safe on their own, and you are allowed to leave the vehicle as the driver.

Zero not letter 'O' (2180117363)

A council refusing representations and fighting an Appeal in such a case is pretty miserable. To win in this sort of case you need to show the error was the council's (acting by their payment system supplier) and clearly if the numberplate provided to them isn't in the format AB12CDE the registration number provided should be checked, this would be a good use of technology but failure equals profit so councils won't make their supplier do this.

Regulation 10 - drove away (2180120109)

I wouldn't hang around waiting for a PCN as the notes of the traffic warden may be inadequate. In addition, they may not bother doing a postal PCN. If a traffic warden tells you to wait for the PCN, they can't, just smile and leave.

No charge for not charging (2180052086)

If the vehicle is electric and if it isn't holding up another motorist who needs to obtain some charge, traffic wardens should just walk on by.

Keep those appeals coming especially if the discount has gone as you have nothing to lose.

Yours appealingly

Miss Feezance

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