Thursday, 16 April 2020

London Tribunals - August 2019

Another quiet month at the tribunal when it came to Barnet Council PCNs.
There were a mere 115 Appeals.
Of those the motorist won a paltry 33.
That is only 29%
The council get a lot wrong, so there is hope, as the following decisions show.

Footway in Old Rectory Gardens (2190183921)

A bit awkward when you live opposite a school entrance (2190207768)

It would be sensible if this motorist reversed into their drive in future as more likely to be outside of the restricted times.

Sticking a wheel in a bus lane (2190299992)

Crash cam pays for itself (2190282300)

Traffic warden caught red handed pouncing on a motorist, oops.

Yours appealingly

Miss Feezance

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