Thursday, 9 April 2020

London Tribunals - February 2019

February is a short month and as not many Appeals are registered at the end of the year it is usually March before numbers start to return to normal. There were 107 decisions in February of which 58, that is 54%, went the way of the motorist. A fairly typical outcome.

Out of the ordinary decisions follow:

A school coach on the school zig zags (2190010832)

A sensible decision. The council should write an exemption for school buses into the Traffic Order.
A thin basis on which to reject cloning (2190033995)
The lack of photographs made it impossible for the council to compare the real car to the cloned one but they were only interested in the revenue not in justice.
Hospitalised, that will be £110 for the council (2190031195)
Councils are institutionally heartless.
Yours appealingly
Miss Feezance

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