Wednesday, 11 November 2020

London Tribunals - June 20

In June 2020 the number of decided Appeals at London Tribunals picked up a little with 82 decisions made of which 39 went the way of the motorist.

The following cases had interesting points within them:

Service not at the correct address 2200156543

Religious holidays are not an exemption 2200086299
A bus in a yellow box junction. 2200152837
Getting a bus across a yellow box junction is harder especially if there are two lanes as while the bus waits for a large enough receiving space opportunist cars will change lane to overtake the bus. For that reason they should, and usually have been, given more leeway by councils.

Another bus in a yellow box junction. 2200152848

Another dubious Barnet Council decision to have opposed the Appeal where the contravention was not clear cut.

Just because the traffic warden doesn't see something doesn't mean it isn't happening. 2200151233

Visitor voucher used at unknown distance 2200153567

If the voucher used too far from the resident's home to be valid then the CPZ, which is meant to be a few streets, is too large.

Charity act punished by the council, adjudicator stops it. 220012341A

Councils reject a lot of perfectly good representations. A fair hearing is there for the asking free of charge at the tribunal.

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