Thursday, 19 November 2020

London Tribunals - September 2020

 Another month reviewed.

There were 94 decisions in September the low number reflecting the lower number of parking PCNs issued in recent months. The motorist only won 33% of them which is probably a reflection of the fact that moving traffic contraventions are harder to beat as there is video evidence.

Not much that was different to tell you about.

Unproven alleged misue of a visitor voucher. 2200182474

Legal if immoral of the council, the school was closed. 2200220063

Some well deserved costs. 2200151856

The wheel was only on the line of the bus lane! 2200327012

If you have a Notice of Rejection don't just pay up to get the discount if you think you are in the right, take your case to the tribunal where you will get a fair independent hearing.

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